Numbers Most Drawn for Lotto

Step back in time to see the all-time most frequently chosen numbers, with our Lotto Numbers Most Drawn tool that makes it simple to see which one’s top the list.

Lotto Numbers Most Drawn lets you see the all-time leaderboard among the balls, to discover which numbers make the most appearances, so you can choose to either trust that they will show up again, or gamble on a less common alternative.

Number Frequency Drawn
1 396 16.25%
12 395 16.21%
19 390 16.00%
13 389 15.96%
22 389 15.96%
15 384 15.76%
25 381 15.63%
23 379 15.55%
10 378 15.51%
24 376 15.43%
38 375 15.39%
35 374 15.35%
7 373 15.31%
21 372 15.26%
31 370 15.18%
17 370 15.18%
26 369 15.14%
18 366 15.02%
30 365 14.98%
27 364 14.94%
39 363 14.90%
40 362 14.85%
33 360 14.77%
3 360 14.77%
32 360 14.77%
20 360 14.77%
2 358 14.69%
29 357 14.65%
5 356 14.61%
16 354 14.53%
28 353 14.49%
8 351 14.40%
34 350 14.36%
36 350 14.36%
11 349 14.32%
4 349 14.32%
6 346 14.20%
37 345 14.16%
9 345 14.16%
14 339 13.91%

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